Bal Navodaya Vidalaya is located at Pawapuri More,Nalanda(Bihar). The School has an ideal situation in healthy locality and has extensive building.
Bal Navodaya Vidalaya run and managed by the “Teleshwari Seri Sansthan” the medium of Instruction is Hindi. English is a compulsory subject.
The aim of this religious body is to develop in the pupil those qualities that will make them worthy citizens of India.
Course of Study
The school has classes from Pre Nursery to Std X. bal Navodaya vidalaya prepares the students under the syllabi of “Bihar School Examination Board” B.S.E.B. Patna.
Registration & Admission
i) Prospectus & registration form for admission to the school can be obtained from the school office on cash payment.
ii) The registered candidates will be called for an admission test/interview.
iii) Registration fee is not refundable.
iv) Admission will be made strictly on tht basis of the written test examination from class Pre Nur to Std VIII.
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